Caring for yourself is a necessary part of caring for others.




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What does Private Coaching look like?

You chose the package that best suits you. We meet weekly or bi-weekly. In this 75-minute session, we will clarify what you would like to achieve in each session and create meaningful goals for your yoga journey (whether it's breathwork, meditating, deepening poses, or understanding anatomy, for example). 

We create a daily homework practice - postures or sequences to work on, on your own. It is essential to do your 15-minute daily practice as this is where the benefits become visible.

Over a short period, you will see an overall enhancement of your understanding and practice of yoga.



Vibrant Living Yoga Movement Methodology:  Order of Progression 


Focus on STABILITY: 

Organize and Activate the body. 

This means that the Nervous System response needs to be activated.

Focus on STRENGTH: 

Progressive Overload. 

This means the Muscular System & Connective Tissues need to be activated.

Focus on MOBILITY:

Challenge end range. Bringing the Nervous System, Muscular System, & Connective Tissues to work together.

“Yoga is not just repetition of few postures – it is more about the exploration and discovery of the subtle energies of life.” – Amit Ray



1 Time Experience €125

1 Month (4 sessions) €375

2 Months (8 sessions) €705

3 Months (12 sessions) €985

6 months (25 sessions) €1900


Each additional person € 20

Each session is 75 minutes long and is taught in English or German.

Book your free 20-minute discovery call to learn more about my private packages and how they can help you feel amazing and help you add years to your life and life to your years.


What is Vibrant Living Yoga

This style of yoga is a dynamic, low-impact, and energizing yoga form putting full focus on stability, strength, and mobility; also known as the 'Order of Progression'. The foundation of this movement methodology is the physiotherapeutic, focusing on healthy, safe & gentle joint motion.

Vibrant Living Yoga makes us aware of what the body is 'feeling' -  building Neuromuscular awareness (relationship between the nervous system and the muscles). It is an Activated Asana style that begins with 'Organization and Activation' working from the ground up, where our muscles are 'turned on' to 'feel' more, along with invigorating poses and smooth transitions using the power of the breath. "To feel is to understand"!

Every session offers a different theme, where the focus is put on specific postures and muscle groups to open, stabilize, lengthen, and strengthen. There is a wonderful balance of grounding/balancing poses, hip-opening poses, backbends, core strengthening & stabilizing, twists, and forward folds. It is one of the greatest ways to connect to your body and to feel your aliveness.

​This practice will help you achieve your health goals, go deeper with personal attention & training, gain a deeper understanding of your body's muscles, tissues, and ligaments, and allow you to fit in a practice based on your schedule and your availability.

Let's have a chat!